Industrial Design
The industrial drawing or design is an innovative or new drawing or design, that can be used as an industrial / handicraft product, and not violate the public order or the morals of the State. The industrial design doesn’t have the benefit of the protection defined in the law, except if registered in the related register at the Administration and the registration application is submitted which is examined according to the procedures defined by the bylaws of the law.
The application for protection may include more than just one industrial drawing or design, provided that such drawings or designs are interrelated in terms of manufacture and uses, and that their total number does not exceed 20 drawings or designs.
New Development
Being ranked number 1 for Intellectual Property Protection in the Arab Countries per the Intellectual Property Rights Index, 2018 – the UAE continues to take positive steps to further nourish its Intellectual Property legal landscape. From holding seminars, and workshops to positively combating Infringement; the UAE Trademark Agents have now been unofficially apprised of the reduction in the Trademark Office Fees in relation to IP Rights. The decision of reducing the Trademark Office Fees towards securing and maintaining trademarks is a noteworthy step and is welcomed by the IP owners and Agents alike. Per the changes, the Trademark Office Fees in relation to the final Trademark registration and renewal have been reduced by 33%.
As per the UAE Cabinet Decree No. 51 of 2019, substantial changes have been introduced in the Fee Structure for both Patents and Industrial Design Applications. Pertaining to the nature of these changes, the structure of maintaining these IP Rights has been significantly impacted. Most importantly, UAE Patents required payment of an annual maintenance fees for Twenty years [irrespective of the grant status] and UAE Industrial Designs required payment of an annual maintenance fees for Ten years [irrespective of the grant status]. These maintenance, or termed as ‘Annuities’ in the IP Parlance, substantially increased the investment in procuring and maintaining these rights in the UAE. However, based on the newly issued Decree, a step to be welcomed by the Rights Owners’, payments towards the Annuities have been waived off in their entirety; therefore, a regular maintenance fees is no longer required to maintain rights vested in Patents and Industrial designs.
In addition to the above, Government Fee towards undertaking publication of the accepted Patent/Industrial Design has been waived off. Further, additional steps, such as subsequent amendments and ownership transfer will also not incur any Government Fees.
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